Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Autopsies tell us the secrets of Parkinson's...

The brains of Parkinson's patients tell us the secrets of the disease at autopsy... 


"How much truth can a man bear?

Error is not blindness, error is cowardice". 

Friedrich Nietzsche


What Parkinson's screams at us in autopsy, once we cross the last border. The same thing prevents the disease, controls the symptoms, slows its progression... It's the same thing! There are hardly any differences, except for nuances. It is the final scene of a drama that lasts a lifetime: oxidation, inflammation... vulnerable points that are not reinforced... 

The panorama, like battlefields or cities destroyed by war... 



For 50 years we have walked lost through the Parkinsonian maze without knowing where we were or why we were locked up there. But that has changed thanks to the increasingly luminous and enlightening books and studies of dozens, hundreds of brilliant and courageous neurologists, as well as other neuroscience experts (Ahlskog, Coimbra, Shults, Birkmayer, Karobath, Suzuki, Monti, Perlmutter, Sechi, González Maldonado, Marjama Lyons, Mandel, Hurni, Braak, Fahn, etc.) Hundreds of old studies (Jenner, McGeer, Mattson, Coimbra, Powers...) tell us what Parkinson's is and thousands of more recent studies (Alberts, Suzuki, Marashly, Monti, Schaeffner...) show us everything we need to have a fairly clear view of the puzzle solved, although still with our eyes slightly closed. Important details are missing, but the essential is already known. As long as we do not turn our backs on Nature and leave aside our arrogance to recognize that we had entered "the world of Parkinson's" in a block in a dead end or also endless (we could continue on the current path 100 or 200 years without finding anything significant to improve the daily life of patients and family caregivers. I would bet my life on it).

The last frontier to which I refer in the title is death. The autopsies they have done on the brains of deceased Parkinson's patients not only confirm everything we already know, but seem to point us in the same direction. And they have recently been confirmed with brain-scanning techniques when the patients are still alive. The studies that have been carried out "post mortem" tell us that in the brains of Parkinsonians there was (especially in the famous and vulnerable "sustantia nigra") a brutal oxidation and inflammation, as well as an alteration of everything: mitochondria, glutathione, coenzyme Q10, NADH, etc. Multiple factors, multiple deficiencies. A growing chaos over the years because it is not corrected, but rather gasoline is poured into the fire: 


1) many traces point to an intense OXIDATION (Jenner already said it since 1992), that's why so many antioxidants prevent the disease and slow down or reduce the severity of the symptoms (folate or vitamin B9 prevents Parkinson's by 49% and regulates the severity of the symptoms by reducing the level of the neurotoxic and still underestimated homocysteine); 


 2) very clear signs of NEUROINFLAMATION (as indicated by McGeer, a world-renowned neurologist on Alzheimer's disease) The traces of this inflammation are the activation of microglia and the remains of pro-inflammatory molecules: cytokines, interleukin, etc (Block 2007, McGeer 2008). Those who have taken non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin prevent Parkinson's by 46%, as well as natural anti-inflammatory drugs such as ginger, curcumin (which crosses the barrier that protects the brain), the polyphenols of green tea, the omega 3 DHA (Yamamoto 2005, 47% less dementia according to Schaeffer 2006), etc. Alpha-synuclein plays an important role in this inflammation (Zhang 2005, Lee 2008, Reynolds 2008, Su 2009). Magnesium and green tea protect the nervous system and prevent the aggregation of both iron- and spontaneously produced alpha-synuclein (Golts 2002); 


3) neurotoxic accumulations of IRON (Antonini 1993) and ALUMINIUM (Yasui 1992). Possibly the lack of essential vitamins to correctly metabolize iron - such as riboflavin - produce these accumulations. Green tea and alpha lipoic acid are chelators (antidotes, eliminators) of iron (Koonyosying 2018, Tai 2020). Autopsies or laser analyzers detect accumulations of iron in the brain, especially in the basal ganglia and substantia nigra (Dexter 1991, 1992, Good 1992, Linert 2000). The iron produces a greater oxidation that feeds back and enters a vicious circle that would explain the progressive worsening of the disease (Linert 2000). In parkinsonian autopsies there are aluminum deposits in the basal ganglia and gray substance (Perl 1982, Yasui 1991, 1992). Its "antidote" or chelator is magnesium, so deficient in the current average westernized diet and so worn out by the stress of modern life (magnesium is the anti-stress mineral that regulates the necessary and dangerous cortisol), that aluminum and other heavy metals ravage the brain. Turmeric is also a lethal enemy of aluminum (Laabdar 2016). 


4) an almost total lack of GLUTATHION (Perry 1982, 1986, Pearce 1997, Sian 1994, Arakawa 2007), the main antioxidant of "sustantia nigra". It is not rare, since in the advanced stages of the disease there is only 2% left (Adams 1991). Vitamin C is the most important external antioxidant to protect the neurons of the hydroxyl groups, so linked to Parkinson's. To cross the blood-brain barrier as if it were glucose, the membrane of the neuron and that of the mitochondria is converted into dehydroascorbic acid (the oxidized form of the prodigious vitamin C) that would have to be brought back to life - reduced - by glutathione. But there is a serious problem: there is hardly any left. In autopsies, no trace of glutathione has been found in the substantiantia nigra; 


5) And pathologists see the brain of Parkinson's patients as an old battlefield: damage to mitochondria in complex I of cellular respiration (Parker 2008); Lewy bodies and alterations of alpha-synuclein (Zhang 2005, Lee 2008, Reynolds 2008, Su 2009), etc. 


The "father" of modern medicine, Dr. William Osler referred to Parkinson's more than a century ago as an accelerated aging of the brain. In another powerful image, someone spoke as if the brain was on fire and had to be "put out" with antioxidants and anti-inflammatories (Wang 2006, Sanders 2013), liver protectors (Lombard, Marjama Lyons), probiotics for the "second brain" (Gershon, Bercik, Tillish, Scheperjans)... 


I recommend watching the documentary "The Mystery of Alzheimer's", available in Spanish on Youtube. And read a lot between the lines or watch between the frames... because the world around Alzheimer's and Parkinson's is very similar. 


The brains of Parkinson's patients in autopsies are destroyed like an old battlefield, like a ravaged city. But as the scientific police, as detectives, we are reconstructing what has happened... so we will know how to avoid it. But with the "weapons" of Nature (EGCG, allicin, quercetin, resveratrol, curcumin, magnesium, melatonin...). 


NOTE: This is a draft I am working on now for the book. I am sharing it with you because I am touching the target with my fingers. This is what I mean when I ask for your help so as not to postpone it now for material reasons or not to go all the way because of lack of books and sufficient medical journal studies. You see how everything in the world of Parkinson's screams out to us: it's the vitamins, minerals and trace elements, phytochemicals, fats, etc.! I hope to be able to convey the passion with which I live what I am looking for and finding. Not only do we see on the floor of the labyrinth the clues that the wise men left us (Karobath, Sacks, Birkmayer, Riederer, Jenner, Mattson...), but the labyrinth itself speaks to us of the same thing: when everyone is silent, the child shouts: But the emperor is naked! As it happened to me in 2015, I already have "the whole book in my head". There's no going back until it's out, written and laid out. 

"Some things from the past are gone 

but others open a gap to the future 

 and they are the ones I want to rescue." 

 Mario Benedetti



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. which were the therapies (drugs and duration) of the people whose the bodies had the Autopsies done?
    it is known that long use of anti-parkinson drugs can be very dangerous and addictive and can be the real cause of the most of the damages found
    thanks and regards
