Monday, January 10, 2022

Parkinson's could be otherwise.

Did you know that...?


...numerous people claim to have controlled, healed or reversed the symptoms of their disease (Annetta Freeman, Howard Shifke, John Coleman, Colin Potter, John Pepper...). Robert Rodgers' project since 2004, with his blogs, books and almost 300 radio programmes on Parkinson's and numerous mentions of recovery cases is worthy of being highlighted as unique worldwide.

CASES OF POSSIBLE CURE 2008, the media reported that Australian John Gillies had been cured of four years of Parkinson's disease by antibiotic treatment for severe constipation due to "Clostridium difficile" recommended by the well-known gastroenterologist Thomas Borody. Two neurologists would have confirmed the absence of symptoms (in this case one could argue a possible diagnostic error); but in the following case, there is no such possibility. The patient had been diagnosed as usual, responded well to Sinemet (levodopa/carbidopa) and a SPECT DaT test confirmed the diagnosis. Neuroscientist Karishma Smart and colleagues published in 2016. A 78-year-old man, with 16 years of diagnosed disease, reportedly experienced remission of his Parkinson's disease. The practice of daily deep prayer/meditation would be the most characteristic and possible cause. Pagnoni in 2007 reported that regular meditation can counteract damage to the striatum and dopaminergic depletion. And in a similar vein Pickut in 2013 and Newberg in 2010.


...some neurologists claim in their studies and writings to have significantly improved the lives of patients: the neurologist and professor of Neurology at the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, Cicero Coimbra in 2002, achieved with high doses of riboflavin (vitamin B2) an improvement of up to 71 % (three patients, up to 100 %); the neurologist Antonio Costantini in 2013, with high doses of thiamine (vitamin B1), an improvement of up to 77 %; the neuroscientist Oliver T. Phillipson, with a healthy person, an improvement of up to 35 % (Albertsky, 2013); the physical exercise in tandem on an exercise bike, with a healthy person, an improvement of up to 35 % (Albertsky, 2013). Phillipson, symptom control and halting progression of a patient in 2013; tandem exercise on a stationary bike with a healthy person, 35 % improvement (Alberts 2011); ketogenic diet for one month, 43 % improvement (VanItallie 2005); etc.


... Parkinson's disease can be prevented or the risk of developing Parkinson's disease can be reduced: by 87 % with coffee, tobacco and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, NSAIDs (Powers 1988); the highest level of vitamin D reduces the risk by almost 70 % compared to those with the lowest level (Knekt 2010); of vitamin B6 by up to 51 % (Lau 2006); of folic acid or vitamin B9 by 49 % (Religa 2006); of riboflavin or B2 by 51 % (McCormick 1988); regular consumption of certain foods rich in vitamin E by up to 76 % (Golbe 1988), etc.


...the onset of the disease can be delayed: 17.4 years in women and 8.4 years in men with a Mediterranean type of diet (Metcalfe-Roach 2021); regular coffee consumption, up to 8 years (Benedetti 2000); green tea, up to 7.7 years (Kandinov 2009); etc.


...can even slow or halt its progression: 1200 IU of vitamin D3 daily slowed it down for one year (Suzuki 2013); intense physical exercise, especially forced exercise (Ahlskog 2011, 2018; Schenkman 2018); etc.


...the severity of Parkinson's symptoms is related to deficiencies of certain substances, as well as vitamins and phytonutrients: cholesterol (Huang 2011, 2019); magnesium (Barbiroli 1999); vitamin D (Liu 2014), etc.


...with vitamins such as vitamin C (Nobile 2013, Quiroga 2014) or B12 (Priolisi 1959, Soysal 2018) some types of Parkinsonism have been cured; etc.

Immunotherapy to treat melanoma, although the symptoms returned after the end of therapy (Shprecher 2014).

Vascular Parkinsonism (Lobo 2013).

(It has taken me almost 30 years to learn this information. This should never happen again. Important information should be available to patients and their families in a few books and brochures in all languages.)


  1. Highly informative and very useful site. Thanks for setting it up.

  2. Hi Jesús - You write "officially Parkinson's is still UNCURABLE". Dr Janice Hadlock, in her book "Recovery from Parkinson's" says: "Parkinson's disease is a CURABLE syndrome. The sub-dermal bioelectric pattern seen in people with idiopathic Parkinson's disease is one that should only occur for a short time: when a person is in a coma on the verge of death...." Having gone through an out-of-body event at the age of 4, this statement highly resonates with me. I wonder: Are you familiar with her ideas and findings (on: Un saludo desde Menorca!

  3. I found the following medications for parkinson treatment and available online. Please check which works for you I am just giving you the information:
    Sinemet CR
